By using Acupuncture, Acupressure,
Marma therapy, Vedic therapy, Magnet therapy, Seed therapy, Massage therapy, cosmetic
acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, Cupping therapy, Detoxification therapy,
Naturopathy, Beach sand therapy, and some other natural therapies to remove the
waste materials & excess heat present inside the body. We treat the eye
function as normal with 0% side effects. The duration of the treatment was 1
week to 10 days. Nadipathy treatment will tell
you what the healthy lifestyles are for eye disease patients and what kind of
life habits should be avoided. Which kind of patients should do some mild
exercises and under what circumstances should patients have good rest and
totally avoid exercises. Nadipathy treatment can not only be used to treat eye
disease, it can also be used by those that are at high risk of developing eye problems
and healthy people to help prevent hereditary eye disease and help strengthen
the patient’s physical fitness and make them live more healthier life.
Marma therapy, Vedic therapy, Magnet therapy, Seed therapy, Massage therapy, cosmetic
acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, Cupping therapy, Detoxification therapy,
Naturopathy, Beach sand therapy, and some other natural therapies to remove the
waste materials & excess heat present inside the body. We treat the eye
function as normal with 0% side effects. The duration of the treatment was 1
week to 10 days. Nadipathy treatment will tell
you what the healthy lifestyles are for eye disease patients and what kind of
life habits should be avoided. Which kind of patients should do some mild
exercises and under what circumstances should patients have good rest and
totally avoid exercises. Nadipathy treatment can not only be used to treat eye
disease, it can also be used by those that are at high risk of developing eye problems
and healthy people to help prevent hereditary eye disease and help strengthen
the patient’s physical fitness and make them live more healthier life.
received early, it can help prevent the patient’s eye problems so as to help
avoid entering in to complete eye failure and avoid surgeries.